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Control System

4 Feedback Control System Characteristics

4.1 Introduction 257

4.2 Error Signal Analysis 259

4.3 Sensitivity of Control Systems to Parameter Variations 261

4.4 Disturbance Signals in a Feedback Control System 264

4.5 Control of the Transient Response 269

4.6 Steady-State Error 272

4.7 The Cost of Feedback 274

4.8 Design Examples 275

4.9 Control System Characteristics Using Control Design Software 285

4.10 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 291

4.11 Summary 295

5 The Performance of Feedback Control System

6 The Stability of Linear Feedback System

7 The Root Locus Method

8 Frequency Response Methods

9 Stability in the Frequency Domain

9.1 Introduction 623

9.2 Mapping Contours in the s-Plane

9.3 The Nyquist Criterion 630

9.4 Relative Stability and the Nyquist Criterion 641

9.5 Time-Domain Performance Criteria in the Frequency Domain 648

9.6 System Bandwidth 655

9.7 The Stability of Control Systems with Time Delays 655

9.8 Design Examples 659

9.9 PID Controllers in the Frequency Domain 677

9.10 Stability in the Frequency Domain Using Control Design Software 678

9.11 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 686

9.12 Summary 689

13 Digital Control System

13.1 Introduction 946

13.2 Digital Computer Control System Applications 946

13.3 Sampled-Data Systems 948

13.4 The z-Transform 951

13.5 Closed-Loop Feedback Sampled-Data Systems 955

13.6 Performance of a Sampled-Data, Second-Order System 959

13.7 Closed-Loop Systems with Digital Computer Compensation 961

13.8 The Root Locus of Digital Control Systems 964

13.9 Implementation of Digital Controllers 968

13.10 Design Examples 968

13.11 Digital Control Systems Using Control Design Software 977

13.12 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 982

13.13 Summary 984